Saturday, February 2, 2008

Funky Chicken Dance and Mexican Yell Fun!

Me and family loves to eat! Every now and then we would try different restaurants and even fast food around the corner or on the next block. Our family's favorite is pepperoni pizza and lately we tried something new. And that's Mexican food! You got to try El Pollo Loco's style of the grilled Mexican chicken . I never tasted a chicken as good as on El Pollo Loco. It's fresh, spicy and juicy to perfection. And what I found out about them is that they are having wacky contest! All we need to do is show them how loco we are for that one-of-a-kind taste with our own chicken dance or even the loco slide and capture it on video! It's as easy as that! I can't wait to have my family and friends to try this. Come and let's eat good food and dance the El Pollo Loco chicken dance with the whole family!


Posted by Lizzz @ 9:22 PM

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* daughter * caring sister * wife * loving mother * caring friend * bassist * x-guitarist * drummer * bathroom singer * trained ramp model * former cheerleader * frustrated swimmer * beach-goer * tennis player * driver * internet surfer * x-readers digest collector * pizza addict * popcorn muncher * movie watcher * pastry chef wanna-be * party-goer * beer drinker * music lover *

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