Saturday, February 21, 2009

Almost thirty

I paused a moment, looking at my hands before typing this entry. I noticed wrinkles in my hands now. It's a sign of aging. But I was never bothered nor worried about getting older. It makes me proud be a year older because it reminds me on how many things I've accomplished in my life, lessons I've learned, and the goals I've aiming for. I'll be thirty the day after tomorrow. Thirty. It's a challenging figure because I feel that I must leave my post childhood ways hahaha. But despite the figure, I'm still the same. Same old me who still wants to enjoy life to the fullest.

I'll be celebrating my pre-birthday party today with my band mates and closest friends. So what's in store for today? Just home made spag, chicken, snacks and cheese dip! And of course, jamming with the rest of MARRY ME AMY.


Posted by Lizzz @ 2:14 AM

+ About Me +

* daughter * caring sister * wife * loving mother * caring friend * bassist * x-guitarist * drummer * bathroom singer * trained ramp model * former cheerleader * frustrated swimmer * beach-goer * tennis player * driver * internet surfer * x-readers digest collector * pizza addict * popcorn muncher * movie watcher * pastry chef wanna-be * party-goer * beer drinker * music lover *

My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)

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